Wednesday, September 9, 2009

GRE Visual Word List

ARDUOUS: hard; strenuous
EXAMPLE: Her arduous efforts had sapped her energy.
SYNONYMS: burdensome, exhausting, formidable,
grueling, laborious, onerous, painful, rigorous, rough,
severe, strenious, taxing, tiring, toilsome, tough,
ANTONYMS: easy, facile, motivating

EXERTION: effort; expenditure of much physical work
EXAMPLE: The exertion involved in unscrewing the rusty
bolt left her exhausted.
SYNONYMS: effort; endeavour, exercise, industry, labour,
pains, strain, striving, struggle, toil, travail, trail, trouble,
ANTONYMS: idleness, laziness

GRUELING: exhausting
EXAMPLE: The marathon is a grueling race.
SYNONYMS: arduous, demanding, exhausting, faitiguing, hard,
harsh, labourious, punishing, severe, strenuous, tiring, torturous,
ANTONYMS: easy, facile

LABORIOUS: demanding much work or care; tedious
EXAMPLE: In putting together his dictionary of the English language, Doctor Johnson undertook a laborious task.
SYNONYMS: arduous, burdensome, fatiguing, labored, onerous, strenuous, tiresome, toilsome, wearisome,
ANTONYMS: easy, effortless, facile, simple, trivial,rivial

PRIVATION: hardship; want
EXAMPLE: In private company one would suffer privation;
SYNONYMS: destitution, disadvantage, hardship, indigence,
lack, need, poverty, want,
ANTONYMS: luxury, plenty

CUMBERSOME: heavy; hard to manage
EXAMPLE: He was burdened down with cumbersome parcels.
SYNONYMS: bulky, burdensome, inconvenient, massive,
oppressive, ponderous, tiresome, unhandy, unmanageable,
unwieldy, earisome, weighty,
ANTONYMS: manageable, easy to handle, graceful

ONEROUS: burdensome
EXAMPLE: He asked for an assistant because his work load
was too onerous.
SYNONYMS: arduous, cumbersome, demanding, difficult,
distressing, exacting, exhausting, fatiguing, formidable, grueling,
irksome, laborious, severe, strenuous, taxing, tiresome,
ANTONYMS: common, easy, light, trivial

EXAMPLE: Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage, when they take short trips.

ONUS: burden; responsibility
EXAMPLE: The emperor was spared the onus of signing the
surrender papers; instead, he relegated the assignment to his generals.
SYNONYMS: duty, encumbrance, incubus, liability, obligation, responsibility, stigma, task, tax, weight,
ANTONYMS: aid, benefit, blessing, help

 INCUBUS: burden; mental care; nightmare
EXAMPLE: The incubus of financial worry helped bring on her nervous breakdown.
SYNONYMS: demon, devil, fiend, goblin, hobgoblin, nightmare,
ANTONYMS: advantage, benefit

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